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APT Mental Health at Work Pledge

Mental Health at Work: Our Pledge

This is APT’s own pledge to support mental health and wellbeing in the workplace; this is what we aspire to and believe we achieve. We hope that you too may wish to aspire to it. If you are able to speak for your organization and would like to register that your organization aspires to this pledge, do please contact us by emailing office@aptcanada.com. We will keep a record of organizations who do this, and if you are in agreement, publish it on the web alongside this page in due course when we have a reasonable number.

If you are interested in the training we offer around this area, click here.

As an organization, we will provide a healthy and productive working environment.

We encourage healthy habits. We value health and wellbeing. We know the importance of a healthy workforce. We support professional development and the furthering of interests and knowledge. We are outward looking and support the community we are based in. We know our colleagues have needs and commitments outside of work and may need flexible arrangements, which will be considered. We are aware of what’s going on around us and model tolerance and compassion. We promote a culture of participation, equality and fairness. We treat mental illness the same as we treat physical illness. We take pride in our work and in being the best we can. We are all invested in the organization’s future. We are consistent and reliable. We ensure everyone has the equipment and training needed to fulfil their role in a way they are proud of. We ensure the surroundings are as pleasant and conducive to work as possible. We aim for ‘square pegs in square holes’ and when needed, try to change the hole rather than the peg. We aim for people to feel that great feeling of truly delivering what they have to offer, and that they are the master of their role. We value individuals regardless of role. We listen and respond to concerns and ideas.

As Leaders, we value all those we work with.

We are appropriately available to our colleagues. We listen. We recognize a change in productivity or behavior may represent underlying distress. We know that mental health is as important as physical health. We are not scared of difficult or personal conversations but will respect confidentiality and support colleagues in accessing appropriate help and expertise when needed. We also know our limits and roles. We ask and don’t assume. We know that mental illness isn’t ‘contagious’ and can affect any one. We understand that stress and the way it is perceived may have a relationship to productivity and wellbeing. We review and monitor individuals’ workloads and job descriptions. We set achievable goals. We lead by example. We are compassionate. We are aware of our legal requirements regarding supporting individuals and embrace them in spirit and attitude as well as to the letter. And we recognize, even when reading the above and recognising its truth, that we can be compassionate to ourselves, and set ourselves achievable goals.

As Colleagues, we respect each other.

If we ask ‘How are you?’ we will mean it and will listen to the answer. We build trust. We respect each other’s privacy and don’t ‘gossip’ even if the person didn’t say that what they told us was in confidence. We know that mental illnesses can be disabling and tortuous. We know appearances can be deceptive. We know that people can ask for help in different ways. We offer helpful support to others as required, recognising this may be practical, emotional or listening, or in giving helpful advice. We build relationships with each other, we realize that it’s good to have friends at work. We recognize that others have individual beliefs, backgrounds, characteristics, challenges and skills. We know we are all of value and importance. We know that we all need attention and care.

As Individuals, we take responsibility.

We know how to look after our physical and mental health and that the prime responsibility for taking care of ourselves lies with us. We know that our physical wellbeing impacts on our emotional wellbeing and that exercise, adequate sleep and a healthy diet will all help our mental health. We strive to find a job that suits our natural abilities. We can manage appropriate levels of stress and try not to get ‘stressed that we’re stressed’. We strive to fulfil our potential and have a sense of mastery around our tasks. We are able to ask for help when we need it. We are empowered to ask for changes that would benefit us or the organization. We take note of our thoughts and feelings and do not allow them to ‘spiral’ out of control. We try to form good relationships at work – friendships even – and help others do so with us. We talk as kindly to ourselves as we would to friends. We value ourselves and others. We have a sense of autonomy where possible and are able to manage our time. We ‘know what we are doing’ and take pride in the work we do.

Onsite Courses.

The majority of our mental health training courses are provided this way - we come to you and train a group of up to 15 people for an all-inclusive fee.

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Online Courses.

Obtain APT-quality input at a time that is convenient to you and minimizes the need for 'cover' normally associated with training.

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APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award       The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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