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Repairing the Damage course feedback

Developmental Trauma & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Repairing the Damage™, course feedback.

The Association for Psychological Therapies prides itself on the written feedback we receive for our courses. Below is just some of the great reviews the Repairing the Damage™ course has received.

"Without a doubt the most informative, relevant and enjoyable training I have attended to date."

Martina Stack, Social Worker

"The course was excellent, taught at a good pace and easy to absorb."

James Stewart, Senior Residential Care Worker

"A really good course - it should be mandatory for all staff. Would like to attend more APT courses - very professional and far better than many courses I have previously been on."

Mike Stephens, RCW

"I wish we could have more training with that level of quality."

Pawel Skraba, Acting Team Manager

"I can honestly say as a Manager who has worked in Residential Care for 8 years that this was one of the most beneficial courses that I have been on. It was very well executed and the information was clear, well explained, interesting and beneficial ... There has been relevant learning that I can take back to my team that will benefit our work practice in the future."

Brona Treanor, Manager (Children's Residential Home)

"The course delivery was excellent, every idea reinforced by practical examples that made it even more understandable. Lots of useful points and strategies that can be easily integrated into programmes."

Shirley Donegan, Social Care Worker

"Repairing the Damage is an excellent course taught by an inspiring tutor. I will use this course every day in my job."

Anthony Webster, Assistant Psychologist

"This was one of the most insightful and well presented courses I've attended in a long time. The content was concise and supplemented with focused discussion."

Dermot Fagan, Social Care Worker

"Very worthwhile as usual. Provided an opportunity to revisit, reflect and accommodate information in a practical and entertaining manner."

Peter Smith, Educational Psychologist

"The course has been extremely helpful. It has helped me improve my casework and training work in the area of damaged children. My understanding, motivation and desire to take forward the approaches has been significantly improved. Probably the best APT course I have attended."

Dr Brian Willis, Educational Psychologist

"Very beneficial - will take many of the strategies and approaches and make use of them in my practice."

Miriam Lakin, Educational Psychologist

"Thoroughly enjoyed the course. A good mixture of presentation and exercises."

Andy Cowdroy, Student Social Worker

"This was one of the most insightful and well presented courses I've attended in a long time. The content was concise and supplemented with focused discussion."

Dermot Fagan, Social Care Worker

"I can honestly say as a Manager who has worked in Residential Care for 8 years that this was one of the most beneficial courses that I have been on. It was very well executed and the information was clear, well explained, interesting and beneficial … There has been relevant learning that I can take back to my team that will benefit our work practice in the future."

Brona Treanor, Manager (Children's Residential Home)

"I have enjoyed this two day course, it has in my profession given me some insight of how to manage and deal with young people's trauma and issues that come into care."

Laura Davis, Social Care Practitioner

"The course delivery was excellent, every idea reinforced by practical examples that made it even more understandable. Lots of useful points and strategies that can be easily integrated into programmes."

Shirley Donegan, Social Care Worker

"I thought it was very practical and realistic. I feel you can relate most of the workshops/sheets into your everyday work with the young people and relate it to their placement plans. It helps remind the professionals to focus on the positives in our workplace and not to focus and dwell on the negative. I found the training was very well presented and captivated the audience's full attention."

Siobhan Callinan, Social Care Worker

"I found it was a very well presented and clear programme outlined. I feel it will be very effective for me to use with the young people I work with on an everyday level. I enjoyed the team work settings as it allowed people to voice opinions and to see if we were all thinking the same. I have no criticisms. I honestly feel you were brilliant and the work was great. Well done. Good luck in future programmes!"

Rosalind, CCW

"I really enjoyed doing this course. It made me look at the work we are doing with our young people and the progress we have made over time. It also made me more aware of the young person's needs and wants and how to help the young people work towards achieving these."

Ashling Smith, Social Care Worker

"Offers and validates practice in terms of the useful approaches outlined. Will allow for self-reflection on cases/practice etc. Excellent training and standard of workshop. Applies to a number of professions. The practical examples and exercises were excellent and motivating."

Claire Feeney, Social Worker

"Very beneficial two day course."

Sarah Clinton, SCW

"I found this course extremely interesting, useful and enjoyable. It made me think outside the box and how I am as a social care worker. It will benefit me without a doubt when working with young people and put a positive mood within myself and work environment."

Angela McDonnell, Social Care Worker

"I found the course very relevant and useful, easy to follow and real. It has given food for thought and validated existing practice. Presentation was excellent, with nice use of anecdotes and experiences. The two days flew which is always a good sign."

Henrietta White, Director of Services

Repairing the Damage course

Developmental Trauma & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Repairing the Damage™

A 3-day course.

For professionals working with young people who have been through experiences which are by any standards 'damaging'.

Adverse childhood experiences may result in changes in the deepest parts of the brain, resulting in effects which are behavioral, cognitive, biological, social and emotional. Examples include: aggressive behaviour, withdrawal, poor self esteem, hostility to others, lack of interest in activities, disturbed sleep and appetite, sadness, anxiety or anger problems, and poor relationships. Although this is a disturbing list there are many children who exhibit most or all of these as a complete 'package' of problems, resistant to repeated intervention and so the cause of great frustration to professionals. The aim of this course is to repair the damage and so avoid those consequences.

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Feedback Ratings

Feedback Ratings.

We continuously monitor the quality of our training by obtaining feedback on the two key scales of relevance and presentation from every course delegate. Below are the average ratings for the last ten runnings of this course, which are updated periodically.


Presentation: 93%

Relevance: 96%

Online Live

Presentation: 94%

Relevance: 96%

APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award       The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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