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Older people Courses

Training for professionals working with Older People.

Many courses that we provide are applicable to older adults and, when commissioned by an older adult service, are tutored by one of our older-adult specialists. The following additional courses are solely for those working with older people. We bring the training to your own organization for a fixed all-inclusive fee, no matter where you are, and all of the courses are accredited by APT (The Association for Psychological Therapies) - a leading provider of mental health training in Canada.

Older People: Key Knowledge and Skills for Providing Effective Support

Older People: Key Knowledge and Skills for Providing Effective Support.

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

There are certain things that everyone working in this area 'really should know'. This course covers them.

This course is designed for professionals who work daily with older adults and, as the title suggests, it is designed to impart the very most important knowledge and skills for doing so. It therefore covers person centred care, the National Service Framework for older adults, matching professional with service user, and, above all, how physical health, mental health, the environment and behavior all interact.

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Older People and Depression

Older People and Depression: Key Knowledge and Skills for Effective Biopsychosocial Intervention.

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

Some older people really do have a lot to be depressed about, and it is difficult to know how to help. This course shows how.

This course covers the psychological treatment of depression in older adults, leaning heavily on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques such as diary keeping and guided discovery, scheduling and de-scheduling, IPT based techniques including how to address bereavement, change in role, isolation and disputes, and biological factors such as exercise, sleep, diet etc. Overall it aims to produce competence in helping depressed older adults.

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Family Interventions with Dementia Course

Family Interventions with Dementia.

A 3-day course.

This course provides professionals with the understanding and skills to support those with dementia and the people around them. It aims to maintain the best possible quality of life for patients by building the knowledge and strategies of families to improve their own well-being and those they are caring for.

This course (a) provides information for understanding the importance of good assessment and diagnosis in helping the family develop a compassionate understanding of the condition, (b) describes the qualities you need to engage with those living with dementia and (c) gives you practice in skills and interventions you can teach to carers.

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Warm and Effective Management of Challenging Behavior in Older People

Warm and Effective Management of Challenging Behavior in Older People, using non-physical techniques only.

A 2-day course.

Violence and aggression are extremely unpleasant and worrying for most people, whether or not it comes from older people. We therefore want to feel able to deal with it if the need arises. Moreover most organizations realize their responsibility in equipping their workforce with appropriate training.

The problem arises in just how to deal with it. Naturally most people don't want to 'meet fire with fire' - to become aggressive and violent themselves. The need is therefore for non physical techniques that are powerful and effective. It is to meet that need that this course was developed. Since its inception, tens of thousands of professionals have attended, either directly through APT or indirectly, whether they work with young people, adults, or older people. This is the version for professionals working with older people.

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APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award       The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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