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Personality Disorder Training

Personality Disorder training courses.

Personality Disorder, often misunderstood even by professionals, is a diagnosis causing distress to the sufferers and presenting a great opportunity to the professionals. Below is a list of Personality Disorder training courses we can bring to your own organization for a fixed all-inclusive fee, no matter where you are. All of the training is accredited by APT (The Association for Psychological Therapies), backed by the weight of over 150,000 professionals having attended APT courses since foundation in 1981.

The ADDRESS Course for working with Personality Disorder

The ADDRESS® Course for working with Personality Disorder.

A 3-day course.

A powerful integrated package for working effectively with personality disorder.

This course combines relevant aspects of Cognitive Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Motivational Interviewing to form a powerful and systematic intervention for personality disorder. It highlights the problem behaviours associated with personality disorder, how to conceptualize those behaviours in specific cases, how to facilitate insight and motivation in the patient, and how to generate change strategies. Importantly it also gives participants a chance to practise applying them to prepared scenarios.

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The RAID<sup>®</sup> Course

The RAID® Course. The positive approach to working with disturbed and challenging behavior.

A 3-day course.

A relentlessly positive approach to working with extreme behaviour.

RAIDing (Reinforce Appropriate, Implode Disruptive) gives a relentlessly positive philosophy for working with extreme behaviour. Already attended by 20,000 professionals, RAIDing is especially relevant to working in secure and semi-secure environments. RAIDing provides a positive approach to be proud of, developing appropriate 'green' behavior so that it simply overwhelms the problem behaviours in question. Importantly though, RAIDing also tells you what to do when problem behavior happens.

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DBT Essentials

DBT Essentials.

A 3-day course.

Instruction in the key components of DBT for those who want to add them to their repertoire without necessarily becoming 'a DBT therapist'.

DBT brings together a series of skills and techniques which are powerful and well chosen ones, for working with personality disorder as well as in other areas. Many people want to familiarize themselves with these skills without necessarily becoming a DBT therapist exclusively, and this 3-day course is for you if you are one of those people as well as if you are thinking of taking the first step in becoming a DBT therapist. As well as covering the 'overall concept of DBT', it covers its 'essential elements', namely the concepts of: Validation; Metaphor; Relentless Problem Solving; and Contingency Management, and the skills of: Mindfulness; Distress Tolerance; Interpersonal Effectiveness; and Emotional Regulation.

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Extended Training in DBT

Extended Training in DBT.

A 10-day course.

A course for up to 15 people, providing 60 hours of training, over about 6 months. It Includes exams, plus projects to be completed at work, leading to appropriate APT accreditation.

This is the most comprehensive training in DBT we currently provide, and has inbuilt APT-Accreditation to Level 3 for those who complete the relevant exams and projects successfully. It is in three modules. The first module (3 days) covers ‘the essentials’, especially: Validation, Metaphors, Relentless problem solving, Contingency management; Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, Distress tolerance, and other skills of DBT.

Module Two (3 days) focuses on running skills development groups effectively, in Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation and Distress tolerance. You will also sit an exam to gain Level 2 APT-Accreditation in DBT.

Module Three (4 days) is the Masterclass, which enables you to: receive the projects to work on after the module (for Level 3 APT-Accreditation), discuss the application of DBT in your own workplace, share case presentations and discussions, and study relevant video material.

The overall design is meant to be demanding, but it is also designed to be interesting, relevant, and enjoyable. It is intended that delegates feel that the course is demanding, but also rewarding.

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ACT Essentials

ACT Essentials (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy).

A 3-day course (2-day version also available)

'Once in a while there is a unique contribution to psychotherapy.'

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) moves away from focusing too closely on ‘symptom reduction’ towards teaching how to live in a stable and rewarding way. So it teaches how to get in touch with your values, how to act in accordance with them, how to be aware of ‘the you that is always there’, how to see your passing thoughts and feelings for just that, how to accept thoughts and feelings you don’t like without over-struggling with them, and so how to live mainly in the present.

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CBT Plus, with ADHD: intervention across the ages, from children to adults.

A 3-day course.

Powerful psychosocial interventions to help people with ADHD, and those around them.

ADHD has until recently been diagnosed mainly in children and young people, but it often persists into adulthood and even later life. Rarely if ever do adults acquire ADHD spontaneously, without having had it earlier, although many adults were too young for it to have been a diagnosis when they were children. For these reasons, this course takes a comprehensive view of ADHD, so you can help people no matter what their age. Its main focus is to detail effective psychosocial interventions that are available for those with ADHD and also those around them, whether young or old.

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APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award       The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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