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Positive Behavior Support training

Positive Behavior Support training (PBS): The RAID® Approach.

The RAID® approach to working with challenging behaviour: a position statement.

The RAID® system is a form of what is now termed positive behavioral support (PBS). The RAID® system was first introduced in 1990, is now on its 10th iteration, and has been attended by over 20,000 professionals so far. Other forms of PBS share many commonalities with it and also some differences in emphasis. Key features of the RAID® approach and other PBS approaches are very well described by Nick Gore et al (2013) as below:

The RAID® approach lays particular emphasis on primary preventative strategies, while also inviting a functional analysis of the challenging behavior when it occurs. Primary preventative strategies are highlighted by RAID’s use of ‘red and green behaviour’ which simultaneously side-steps value judgements on the behaviours concerned while at the same time allowing emphasis on the encouragement of the green behaviours that is in the person’s repertoire or potential. Similarly, the red-green distinction invites discussion (from professionals as much as service users) as to what constitutes green and what constitutes red. ‘Assertiveness’ for example, while not always convenient for the organization, is nevertheless usually a green behaviour.

Equally, functional analysis of the problem behavior is part of the RAID® approach, paying particular attention to avoiding some of the dangers that this can sometimes bring:

In summary, the RAID® approach is a very positive form of PBS which, while understanding and analysing the problem behavior and its function for the person concerned, also concentrates on nurturing and developing incompatible appropriate behaviour, so it gradually displaces the disruptive behaviour. In this way it produces a positive and effective team approach that can easily be explained to patients, friends or family, improves morale and provides an excellent service for service users, who in turn identify with it and value it.

See RAID Course

Gore, N. J., P. McGill, et al. (2013). "Definition and scope for positive behavioral support." International Journal of Positive Behavioral Support 3(2): 14-23.

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The RAID® Approach

❯  The RAID® Course

❯  The RAID® Masterclass

❯  The RAID® Approach for Self-Harm and NSSI

❯  The RAID® Refresher

The RAID<sup>®</sup> Course

The RAID® Course. The positive approach to working with disturbed and challenging behavior.

A 3-day course.

A relentlessly positive approach to working with disturbed and challenging behavior.

The 3-day RAID® course is a leading positive psychology approach for tackling disturbed and challenging behavior at source: over 20,000 professionals have attended it. It is a comprehensive approach which teaches staff a philosophy and practice not only to deal with disturbed and challenging behavior when it occurs, but also to prevent it by tackling it at source. Staff feel pleased to share a unified system and to know what they are doing and why they are doing it, while clients delight in a relentlessly positive and empowering approach. The essence of the RAID® approach is to play down disturbed and challenging behavior as far as safety allows, and to nurture and develop positive behavior so that it systematically overwhelms and displaces the challenging behaviour.

RAID Centres of Excellence

RAID® Centres of Excellence.

This is a major undertaking where organizations seek recognition that they are implementing RAID® principles outstandingly well. It can also be awarded ‘by acclaim’ to organizations that merit it.

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APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award       The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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