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Psychosis Training

CBT for Psychosis (CBTp) and Psychosis Training Courses.

Psychosis is probably the most severe mental illness, so it is right that professionals working in the area have access to the best approaches and APT's Unified Approach to working with Psychosis provides just that, drawing on CBT and related disciplines.

All of our Psychosis training courses are accredited by The Association for Psychological Therapies and we can bring any (or all) of the courses to your own organization for a fixed all-inclusive fee, no matter where you are in Canada.

Note: you can attend one, some, or all of the courses below, in whichever order is best for you.

Working with Psychosis, Course 1

APT's unified approach to working with Psychosis, Course 1:

CBT for Psychosis - Key Knowledge and Skills for Everyday Interactions.

A 3-day course.

This course examines and teaches the skills that are fundamental to working with anybody who is prone to episodes of psychosis. Skills such as how to engage, how to talk within the person's belief system, how to use Socratic dialog and the 'floating of ideas', what is and what is not 'collusion', and more. It looks at using these skills in formal one-to-one sessions and also in informal situations.

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Working with Psychosis, Course 2

APT's unified approach to working with Psychosis, Course 2:

CBT for Psychosis - Assessment, Formulation, and Helping Strategies.

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

This course is for professionals involved in formal one-to-one therapy with patients who are prone to episodes of psychosis and covers how to plan and deliver individually tailored programmes of therapy to treat delusions and hallucinations. It views CBT as having a complementary relationship with medication. It is important that all but the very most skilled practitioners attend Course One before attending this course.

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Working with Psychosis, Course 3

APT's unified approach to working with Psychosis, Course 3:

Early Intervention.

A 3-day course.

This course aims to acquaint you with the concepts and skills of early intervention strategies, to enable you to review and develop your early intervention skills and services if they already exist and to motivate you to develop them if they don't. It covers early intervention both in the sense of 'intervening around the first episode of psychosis' and in the sense of 'spotting impending relapse and endeavouring to prevent it'.

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Working with Psychosis, Course 4

APT's unified approach to working with Psychosis, Course 4:

Family Interventions in Psychosis.

A 3-day course (2-day version also available).

By making major differences in the family's behavior, the professional can create a therapeutic milieu that benefits the patient (and the family) constantly. That is what this course aims to achieve. It does so by (a) addressing areas we know to be important, such as the 'expressed emotion' research, and (b) giving proper answers to questions that concern the family, like how to support the person in maintaining friendships and work.

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Working with Psychosis, Course 5

APT's unified approach to working with Psychosis, Course 5:

Dual Diagnosis - Psychosis & Substance Misuse.

A 3-day course.

Leaning on CBT, Motivational Interviewing and the Stages of Change, this course advocates an integrated approach to Dual Diagnosis in 6 clear steps. You have a chance to practise and examine these steps with prepared cases. Where appropriate it also examines practical issues such as the inter-relationship between substance misuse services and mental health services and discusses how to develop their working together.

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Working with Psychosis, Course 6

APT's unified approach to working with Psychosis, Course 6:

The Masterclass. Integrating skills of assessment and formulation to develop effective personalised interventions.

A 3-day course.

This course teaches how to plan the best course of action for each patient. Whether that is interventions for delusions and hallucinations, help with obtaining employment and maintaining a social circle, making informed decisions about medication, or supporting the family and carers, this course aims to give you the knowledge and skill to plan out the most effective intervention for any of your patients.

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Realising Recovery & Social Inclusion

Realising Recovery and Social Inclusion.™

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

“The redefinition of recovery as a process of personal discovery, of how to live well with enduring symptoms and vulnerabilities opens the possibility of recovery to all ….” (Roberts, G & Wolfson, P.). This course aims to present you with a similarly inspiring presentation that educates, develops skills, and motivates you to use them.

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The APT Diploma for Working with Psychosis

The APT Diploma for Working with Psychosis.

108 hours of focused training for up to 15 people.

The APT Diploma for Working with Psychosis provides 108 hours of training over 12 months. We bring all the courses to you for a fixed fee, to ensure you get a supportive group addressing the same material.

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APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award       The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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