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Severe and Intractable Problems Training

Severe and Intractable Problems.

Some problems are so difficult that they need a specific package of measures directed at them and APT's Severe and Intractable Problems provides just that. All of the training automatically carries APT accreditation with it, backed by the weight of over 150,000 professionals have attended APT's mental health training since foundation in 1981. Below is a list of available courses that we can bring to your own organization for a fixed fee, no matter where you are.

Assessment, Risk Assessment, and Intervention, in Crisis Situations

Assessment, Risk Assessment, and Intervention, in Crisis Situations.

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

This course is designed for people who have predominantly short term contact with clients, either by phone or face to face. Typically those clients will be in or approaching a psychotic episode, suffering with a personality disorder, or so distressed that they may harm themselves or attempt suicide. The key aspects of these disorders are therefore covered, and, in particular, major effective strategies for effective brief intervention. Additionally the principles behind these interventions are covered, to facilitate long term beneficial impact, along with risk assessment in such high stress situations.

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There Must Be A Better Way

CBT with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: There Must be a Better Way®

A 3-day course. (2-day version also available.)

Stopping self harm and replacing it with something better.

The title of this course captures the philosophy behind it. Self-harm, though inexplicable to anyone who has never felt the urge to harm themselves, normally serves a very clear purpose. The secret of success is, therefore, to identify that purpose and achieve it in a less traumatic way. Simple in theory, far from simple in practice, this course examines exactly how to achieve it successfully.

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The ADDRESS Course

The ADDRESS® Course for Working with Personality Disorder.

A 3-day course.

A powerful integrated package for working effectively with personality disorder.

This course combines relevant aspects of Cognitive Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Motivational Interviewing to form a powerful and systematic intervention for personality disorder. It highlights the problem behaviours associated with personality disorder, how to conceptualize those behaviours in specific cases, how to facilitate insight and motivation in the patient, and how to generate change strategies. Importantly it also gives participants a chance to practise applying them to prepared scenarios.

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CBT Plus, with Alcohol and Substance Misuse

CBT Plus, with Alcohol and Substance Misuse.

A 3-day course.

When use of mood altering substances gets out of control it ruins the person's life - until we help them regain control.

The maladaptive use of mood altering substances (importantly, including alcohol) may easily devastate the life of the user and of those around them. Although onset may be insidious the effect can be far reaching and difficult to reverse without skilled and determined intervention. This course covers the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy solution.

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Suicide Prevention Training

Suicide Prevention.

Suicide prevention is a vitally important topic because it affects so many people, and it affects them so deeply.

Historically, professionals have found it a difficult subject to work with, and we have developed a series of courses with the aim of remedying that. Our suicide prevention training consists of:

1. Suicide Awareness (half-day)

2. Suicide-Risk Assessment and Management (2 days)

3. CBT Plus, for Suicide Prevention (3 days)

4. Using your existing skills to work effectively with suicide (2 days)

This enables you to build the perfect package for your needs.

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CBT Plus, with ADHD: intervention across the ages, from children to adults.

A 3-day course.

Powerful psychosocial interventions to help people with ADHD, and those around them.

ADHD has until recently been diagnosed mainly in children and young people, but it often persists into adulthood and even later life. Rarely if ever do adults acquire ADHD spontaneously, without having had it earlier, although many adults were too young for it to have been a diagnosis when they were children. For these reasons, this course takes a comprehensive view of ADHD, so you can help people no matter what their age. Its main focus is to detail effective psychosocial interventions that are available for those with ADHD and also those around them, whether young or old.

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APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award       The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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