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Supervision of Supervisors training

The Supervision of Supervisors.

The Supervision of Supervisors is a 2-day course from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), a leading provider of training for mental health professionals in the UK and Ireland. This course is designed specifically for professionals who supervise other supervisors, offering the expertise needed to address the unique challenges of this vital role.

It is the only such training that is APT-accredited for this level and also provides access to APT’s relevant downloadable resources for use post-course. The course is available for teams/organisations and can be attended face-to-face or online.

Booking Options

Executive Summary:

Supervising supervisors requires a unique skill set. It involves understanding not only the dynamics of client-practitioner relationships but also the complexities of supervising those who are themselves responsible for guiding others.

This course is designed to address these challenges, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to ensure that supervisors under your guidance can confidently and competently oversee their teams. The focus is on delivering effective, ethical, and constructive supervision that cascades through the organization to enhance overall practice. 

By the end of this course, you will understand the nuances of supervising supervisors and be equipped to provide advanced, impactful guidance in this key role.

The course aims:

What the course covers - the syllabus:

1. Defining the role of a supervisor of supervisors:

2. Quality control and ethical practice:

3. Advanced communication and feedback skills:

4. Evaluating supervision effectiveness:

5. Managing complexity and conflict:

6. Case studies and role plays:

7. Sustaining best practices:

What the course will do for you:

What you receive as a result of attending the training:

Booking is easy...
choose your favourite option:

Option 1: Exclusive course for your organization:

We can deliver the course ‘online live’ (via Zoom or Teams) exclusively to you and your organization, for a group of up to 15 people. Price: $5,764 CAD, extra delegates: $350 CAD per person. Or, if you or a colleague are a senior mental health professional, you can apply to become an APT Tutor and, if your application is accepted, deliver the training in-house at half the standard cost (either face-to-face or live online).

To book, email office@aptcanada.com, or click the button: 

Book Now

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Can I call myself a Clinical Supervisor after attending this course?

This is post qualification training so it is for people with the seniority to be supervisors who want to make sure they provide supervision as well as they can. The people who normally attend are – or about to be - supervisors in their own service, rather than people wishing to provide freelance supervision, although it is possible to offer your freelance services so long as you are totally transparent as to what qualifications you have and what training you have received.

APT Accreditation

As a bona fide APT event, this course automatically has accreditation from The Association for Psychological Therapies. This means (i) that it contains the right amount of relevant information for its duration, and (ii) the information is presented in an engaging way, and in a way that will make it likely to be used after the course. APT verifies the accreditation by publishing the delegates' average ratings of relevance and presentation-quality for all its accredited courses. The accreditation is given value by over 150,000 professionals having attended APT courses.

Quick Links

Management Courses  ❯

❯  Providing Good Clinical Supervision

❯  The Supervision of Supervisors

APT's Accreditation for Practitioners  ❯

Clinical Supervison FAQs  ❯

Feedback Ratings

Feedback Ratings.

We continuously monitor the quality of our training by obtaining feedback on the two key scales of relevance and presentation from every course delegate. Below are the average ratings for the last ten runnings of our Supervision training, which are updated periodically.


Presentation: 96%

Relevance: 96%

Online Live

Presentation: 95%

Relevance: 96%

* Note, this is a new course, and the above ratings are taken from the Providing Good Clinical Supervision course.

Written Feedback


APT prides itself on the feedback we receive about our courses. Below are just some of the great comments our Supervision training has received.*

“Just about everything has been of benefit to me as a supervisor (and supervisee). I would recommend this course unreservedly.”

"An exceptionally well delivered course which was wonderfully facilitated by the tutor. Depth and breadth of information that I will be able to take forward and introduce within my own occupational environment. Thank you, a great and valuable course."

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* This is a new course, and the above feedback is taken from the Providing Good Clinical Supervision course.

APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award       The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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