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Courses for Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing.

These courses are designed to enhance your mental health and wellbeing and of your colleagues at work. All of the training is APT-Professional accredited and backed by the weight of over 150,000 professionals having attended APT courses.

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The following courses are available

The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) provides the following Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing training:

Maintaining Good Mental Health

How to develop your good mental health in the workplace, and help your colleagues do the same.

A half day course.

This course spells out what you can do to develop your own mental good health in the workplace, as well as that of your colleagues.

As such it empowers everyone (managers and non-managers alike) to take good care of themselves. It covers (a) the major diagnoses in mental illness, (b) the 4 bases you need to cover to maintain good mental health and help others do so; and (c) how the material covered meshes with your workplace.

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Mental Health Awareness for Managers

Driving good mental health in the workplace: a course for managers and directors.

A 2-day course.

This course is for managers and directors and focuses on how to manage in a way that generates good mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, and doing so in a realistic way that works well for everybody.

Many people spend more waking hours at work than they spend anywhere else, so it is imperative that we do our best to get matters right in the workplace.

So this course spends only a little time on the mental health difficulties that can beset people, and focuses instead on what you as a manager or director can do to foster good mental health and wellbeing in a way that embeds it into your organization. So we are not talking about mere ‘add-ons’, we are talking about your style and strategy, and operating a style and strategy that is good for your employees and colleagues and therefore is fundamentally good for your organization in a realistic, practical, and measurable way.

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Mental Health Awareness Training

Mental Health Awareness, for people working with the general public.

A half day course.

This course is for people interacting with the general public as part of their jobs, to enable you to better understand mental health problems and unusual behavior, and respond helpfully.

There are a number of jobs where knowledge of mental health issues, and the ability to respond well to disturbed or unusual behavior, is beneficial both to the professional and the member of the public. These include jobs in public service facilities such as hospitals and libraries, jobs in the hospitality sector (such as pubs restaurants and hotels) and many more. So this course covers the major mental health problems that present themselves, the sort of behavior associated with these problems, and the most helpful way to respond: helpful both for the person concerned and for you the professionals.

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Suicide Awareness Training

Suicide Awareness.

A half-day course.

This short course is designed to raise your awareness of the importance of suicide and inform you about some of the key questions. Specifically:

• Why is it important to know about suicide?

• How many people take their own lives?

• What effect does suicide have on friends and family?

• Why do people take their own lives?

• Are there any signs that someone is contemplating suicide?

• If you think someone is contemplating suicide, what can you do about it?

• If you have been affected by someone's suicide, what can you do to help yourself?

• What are the best ways to lead a more rewarding life?

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Autism Awareness Training

Autism Awareness.

A half-day course.

This short course is designed to raise your knowledge and awareness of the importance of autism and inform you about some of the key questions. Specifically:

• Why is it important to know about autism?

• How many young people have autism?

• What effect does autism have on the person living with it?

• What effect does autism have on friends and family?

• What causes autism?

• What happens for the person living with autism as they grow older?

• What are the most helpful responses we can make?

• What other help is available for those living with autism, and their families?

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Psychologically Informed Environments Course

Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE).

A half-day course.

‘Psychologically Informed Environments’ is a term that is mostly used in the context of working with marginalized people, such as the homeless. There are several key ideas:

- The use of therapeutic techniques aimed at producing emotional recovery, and not just applying sticking plaster to help the immediate problem.

- To examine how organizations can be redesigned to help achieve the same aim of emotional recovery and achieve lasting benefit.

- To balance past present and future by:

• Grounding the client in the present.

• Addressing any relevant traumas from the past.

• Planning a realistic and attractive future.

Highlighting self-awareness this half-day course aims to examine some of the problems arising from past interventions and looks at current practices which can achieve the aims of PIE, namely emotional recovery.

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Workplace Mental Health

Mental Health at Work: Our Pledge.

APT’s own pledge to support mental health and wellbeing in the workplace; this is what we aspire to and believe we achieve. We hope that you too may wish to aspire to it.

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Workplace Mental Health Awards

The APT Awards for Excellence in fostering good mental health in the workplace.

This is a new award to highlight the importance of this subject. People spend so much time in the workplace that anything we can do there to foster good mental health is likely to pay off handsomely for everybody.

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APT Accreditation 

Investors in People Award       The Learning Awards        Investors in People logo          

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